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    A Worldwide Initiative

    Our Environmental Policy is a worldwide initiative across all of our global offices. We strive to continually reduce our impact on the environment and climate by adhering to environmentally-friendly products, services, and practices.

    Our Sustainability Report

    Our Environmental Policy is a worldwide initiative across all of our global offices. We strive to continually reduce our impact on the environment and climate by adhering to environmentally friendly products, services, and practices.

    Focus on reducing emissions

    As a service provider, we have a relatively low environmental impact compared with a manufacturing or utility company. Our most important environmental responsibility is to minimize CO2 emissions from our mobile patrol fleet.

    Our environmental target is to decrease our exhaust emissions on an annual basis. Our global environmental policy stipulates that no new company car may emit more than 140 g of CO2 per kilometre. Our environmental practices are monitored and checked every year as part of our internal audit program and emission reports are monitored and reported to our head office in Sweden as part of our global environmental policy.

    Securitas a participant in CDP

    Our global submits a sustainability report according to the global reporting initiative guidelines. Securitas participates in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a global reporting system for climate change.

    In 2014, Securitas received a score of 84% on the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index. The score is based on an evaluation of the company's activities in the areas of climate change, adaptation, and transparency.


    Our Environmental Initiatives:


    • Limit consumption
    • Select EnergyStar systems

     Natural Resources

    • Online employment application
    • Online learning management system
    • Purchase of recycled paper

     Air and Climate

    • Energy conservation programs and settings
    • Green vehicle purchasing policy


    • Energy conservation monitoring
    • Lighting reduction, off-peak hours policy

     Products and Packaging

    • Reuse packaging
    • Recycle printer supplies and cartridges


    • Limiting disposable products
    • Recycling where possible

    AODA Documents:

    AODA Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Record of Customer Feedback Form

    AODA Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Disruption Form

    AODA Statement of Commitment to Accessibility




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